Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is released

I am very excited to bring you some great news. Today Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 has finally been released and available

on Maven Central:

or can be downloaded from Eclipse web site:

A huge milestone has been reached. Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is a pure Eclipse release. All components formerly supplied by Oracle have been transferred to the Eclipse Foundation from Oracle Java EE repositories, have passed the Eclipse release review, and have been released to Maven Central with new licensing terms. Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 has passed all CTS/TCK tests (run on Oracle infrastructure) and has been certified as Java EE 8 compatible.

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First year of Eclipse EE4J

The idea of transferring Java EE sources to the Eclipse Foundation was announced at the last Oracle JavaOne conference. The year has passed and in this article I will try to summarize what was done during this year and where we are now.

First of all, I am happy to announce that

Eclipse GlassFish RC1 is released!

It’s available for download here. This release is not final. It’s a milestone release with a purpose of indicating progress and providing developers the preview of the final product to play with, test it and provide feedback.

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EclipseLink repository is moved to GitHub

As part of a process of transferring Java EE 8 to the Eclipse Foundation, EclipseLink source code repository was moved from Eclipse git to eclipse-ee4j organization on GitHub. It aligns EclipseLink with other EE4J projects and makes it more open to the community.

If you are a committer don’t forget to update your local copy!

New Location Old Location
Repository EE4J GitHub Eclipse git + Mirror
Issues Tracker EE4J GitHub + Eclipse BugZilla Eclipse BugZilla

From now on GitHub repository becomes a main working repository. All pull request and code reviews must be done there. Old repository on Eclipse git is switched to read only mode and will be eventually deleted as well as it’s mirror on GitHub.

I am also recommending using GitHib issues tracker for bugs submission the same way as other EE4J projects are doing. The old issues tracker is still active though.

Other project repositories (examples, etc.) will be also moved to EE4J GitHub in the nearest future.

JSON-P Sources are Transferred to Eclipse Foundation

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Today is a big date. I just pushed JSON Processing sources to Eclipse EE4J GitHub repository.

See it live here:

It’s first sources which are actually transferred from Oracle to Eclipse. First two projects (Yasson and EclipseLink) were already in Eclipse Foundation, but under different root project.

More project coming soon! The firsts make history. And the first one was JSON-P!

First two EE4J projects

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I am happy to announce that today EclipseLink and Yasson have been transferred under EE4J and officially became first two EE4J projects! EE4J now contains some real Java code and it’s a big step forward!

New projects URLs are:


Committers list, mailing list and forum URLs are not changed.

Yasson and EclipseLink go to EE4J

I am happy to announce that we are planning to transfer Yasson and EclipseLink projects to EE4J. These will be one of the first projects transferred because they are a part of Eclipse Foundation already. I already posted announcement in EE4J community mailing list here:

The transfer will not affect any committer rights, but it may introduce some changes in web site URL, mailing lists, etc.
I’ll keep you updated about the progress.