Your Voice Matters: Take the Jakarta EE Developer Survey

The Jakarta EE Developer Survey is in its fourth year and is the industry’s largest open source developer survey. It’s open until April 30, 2021. I am encouraging you to add your voice. Why should you do it? Because Jakarta EE Working Group needs your feedback. We need to know the challenges you facing and suggestions you have about how to make Jakarta EE better.

Last year’s edition surveyed developers to gain on-the-ground understanding and insights into how Jakarta solutions are being built, as well as identifying developers’ top choices for architectures, technologies, and tools. The 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is your chance to influence the direction of the Jakarta EE Working Group’s approach to cloud native enterprise Java.

The results from the 2021 survey will give software vendors, service providers, enterprises, and individual developers in the Jakarta ecosystem updated information about Jakarta solutions and service development trends and what they mean for their strategies and businesses. Additionally, the survey results also help the Jakarta community at the Eclipse Foundation better understand the top industry focus areas and priorities for future project releases.

A full report from based on the survey results will be made available to all participants.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete. We look forward to your input. Take the survey now!

Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is released

I am very excited to bring you some great news. Today Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 has finally been released and available

on Maven Central:

or can be downloaded from Eclipse web site:

A huge milestone has been reached. Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 is a pure Eclipse release. All components formerly supplied by Oracle have been transferred to the Eclipse Foundation from Oracle Java EE repositories, have passed the Eclipse release review, and have been released to Maven Central with new licensing terms. Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 has passed all CTS/TCK tests (run on Oracle infrastructure) and has been certified as Java EE 8 compatible.

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Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 integrations finished!

We have a Christmas gift from Oracle Prague team. After weeks of hard work EclipseLink and Jersey project have been integrated to Eclipse GlassFish 5.1. Now we have all EE4J components integrated and integrations project finished:

It’s a huge step forward! We are very close to Eclipse GlassFish final release planned in January 2019. But there is still work to do. Now the goal is to produce a green CTS run. The progress can be tracked here:

Merry Christmas!

First year of Eclipse EE4J

The idea of transferring Java EE sources to the Eclipse Foundation was announced at the last Oracle JavaOne conference. The year has passed and in this article I will try to summarize what was done during this year and where we are now.

First of all, I am happy to announce that

Eclipse GlassFish RC1 is released!

It’s available for download here. This release is not final. It’s a milestone release with a purpose of indicating progress and providing developers the preview of the final product to play with, test it and provide feedback.

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Jakarta EE Challenges

Do you know that many famous people were born at the end of April? I’ll give you some samples. April 21 is the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II; Vladimir Lenin was born on April 22,  William Shakespeare on April 21, and Adolf Hitler on April 20. Maybe I shouldn’t include Hitler here, but he had a huge influence on 20th century history. Why do I mention this? Because on April 24, 2018, Jakarta EE was born. Using mathematical induction, we can predict that this newborn child will have a great influence on the Java world.

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